Greek MEP Eliza Vozemberg, in a question to the European Commission, mentions the ongoing Turkish provocations and asks what the immediate actions of the European Union will be in order to stem the Turkish provocativeness that has reached the point of disputing the sovereignty of the Aegean islands.
Specifically, MEP Eliza Vozemberg stated:
“With new provocative statements, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mevlut Çavuşoğlu, came back and once again raised the issue of demilitarization of the Greek Aegean islands. In particular, in his annual presentation to the diplomatic editors of the actions of Turkish foreign policy, he described as “debatable” the Greek sovereignty over the Aegean islands, even going so far as to attribute responsibility to Greece for an attempt to create an artificial crisis in the region.
This is not the first time that the Turkish side has used aggressive rhetoric in the context of disputing Greek sovereign rights. Despite the fact that Turkey has been repeatedly called upon to abandon the policy of provocations against EU Member States, the Turkish Foreign Minister has re-triggered a scene of tension with his statements, which endanger stability in the wider Eastern Mediterranean region and blatantly violate international treaties and the national sovereignty of Greece in general.
In view of the above statements and the continuing violations of Greek airspace by Turkish fighter jets, the Commission is asked:
- What is going to be its immediate reaction to Turkish delinquency, which continues unabated at the expense of Greece’s sovereign rights in the Aegean?
- How does it assess the Turkish stance and what actions does it intend to take to de-escalate the tensions caused by Turkey?” concludes the question of Eliza Vozenberg.
The activeness of the Greek and Cypriot Members of the European Parliament has increased in the recent period concerning the Turkish provocations.
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With information from Eliza Vozemberg