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Russia expelled eight Greek diplomats, declaring them “personae non gratae” and giving them eight days to leave the country.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Monday that he called the Greek ambassador to Moscow to protest “the course of the confrontation of Greek authorities with Russia, including the supply of arms and military equipment to the Kiev regime”
The Russian Foreign Minister stated that he had also protested against the decision of Greece to characterize a group of their own diplomats as “personae non gratae”.
The Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued an announcement on the expulsion of diplomats.
“We express our deep regret for the decision of the Russian authorities to declare eight officials of the Greek Embassy in Moscow, as well as the Consulate General in Moscow, as personae non gratae.
There is no basis for the decision of the Russian authorities to deport members of the Greek diplomatic and consular authorities to Russia, who, distinguished by their professionalism and high sense of responsibility, performed their duties in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Conventions. Diplomatic and Consular Relations.
Greece maintains an attitude of principle, guided by respect for international law.
“It goes without saying that the Embassy in Moscow, as well as the Consular Authorities in Russia will continue to make every effort at their disposal in order to continue to carry out their mission under particularly difficult conditions,” the Greek Foreign Ministry announced.
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