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Two drones hit a Russian oil refinery near the Ukraine-Russia border on Wednesday.
The refinery in the Rostov on Don region was engulfed in flames and forced to shut down production.
According to the Novoshakhtinsk refinery, the first drone crashed onto the factory at 8.40 a.m. causing an explosion.
The second strike at 9:23 a.m. targeted the refinery’s crude oil tanks but did not cause a fire, the plant said.
“As a result of terrorist acts from the western border of the Rostov region, two unmanned aerial vehicles hit the Novosakhtinsk technological facility.
The staff has been evacuated and the technological equipment has been shut down to assess the damage,” the plant stated.
The Novoshakhtinsk refinery started operating in 2009 and produces up to 7.5 million tons of petroleum products annually.
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