Turkey will be making annual reports on acts of Islamophobia and racism in other countries, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoglu said on Monday.
Speaking at the 7th AKP Congress in the province of Antalya, Cavusoglu said that to date, the EU and the US publish reports on Turkey and other countries, but that from now on, Turkey will also issue its own reports “for the good of humanity”.
He said Turkey no longer plays by the rules of others in matters concerning itself.
“Diplomacy has always been our priority, but we also teach those who do not believe in diplomacy to return to the table,” he said.
Regarding the maritime disputes over the Eastern Mediterranean, he said that Turkey, although claiming its demands, is in favor of a “fair share”, but the Greek side has rejected this approach.
“Everyone has learned how to work with Turkey,” he said.
Cavusoglu noted that positive messages were given to the EU in December and that a “roadmap” was drawn up for developing relations in a positive environment.
Cavusoglu also stressed that Turkey has used both hard and soft power in diplomacy and that it is a world leader in providing humanitarian aid.