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A question from Greek MP Kyriakos Velopoulos regarding the military equipment sent to Ukraine by Greece was answered by the Minister of National Defense of Greece, Nikos Panagiotopoulos.
More specifically, Greek Defense Minister Nikos Panagiotopoulos stated:
“In response to the relevant question by MP Kyriakos Velopoulos, on “Sending Greek military equipment to Ukraine”, I state the following regarding the Ministry of National Defense:
The military defense equipment sent with two C-130 aircraft, as practical solidarity to the tested Ukrainian people, and in consultation with our allies in NATO, as well as our partners in the European Union, is the following:
- 400 AK-47 rifles, which come from confiscations.
- Launchers, which our country had procured many years ago.
- Ammunition for the above weapons.
The above is not critical operational material for the Greek Armed Forces. They were disposed of from the reserves of the Greek Army, without affecting the overall observed level of stock, and in no case does it lead to the slightest operational weakening of the country’s defense structures” the statement concludes.
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– GEOPOLITIKI – Translation may contain some errors, if you find one or more inform us via the comment section.