The State Department approved the support and maintenance along with the relevant equipment for the engines of the Greek F-16s , type F100-PW-229 (Pratt & Whitney F100).

The total estimated cost is $ 233 million (approximately € 203 million) and the State Department handed over the required approval to the Congress of USA for this potential sale on January 12, 2022.
This approval as explained in the announcement states that the Government of Greece has requested (follow on support) for the F100-PW-229 engines and adds that “this proposed sale will support US foreign policy and national security objectives by helping to improve the safety of an ally in NATO “(Greece), which is an important partner for political stability and economic progress in Europe.”
Specifically, he states: “The proposed sale will improve Greece’s ability to deal with current and future threats by providing greater repair capabilities for F-16 Block 52 + / 52 + Advanced aircraft engines and increasing aircraft availability.
Greece has shown a continuous commitment to the modernization of its armed forces and will not find it difficult to absorb this agreement.
The proposed sale of these services will not change the basic military balance in the region. ” mentions the announcement of the US State Department.
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