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Sources in the Turkish presidency told Turkish media that the joint statement made by the embassies of the United States, New Zealand, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Finland “confirms compliance with Article 41 of the Is something that Erdogan described as “positive.”
In particular, the new joint declaration on Article 41 follows the declaration of the 10 countries that demanded the release of Osman Kavala from Erdogan.
However, the statement that they respect Article 41 does not refute the letter that was sent for the release of Osman Kavala and is a move to pressure more Erdogan, who despite the statement of “deportation of 10 ambassadors” from Turkey, has not been seen for days seems to have made some movement in that direction.
In particular, Turkish media report that the statements of the embassies of the US and the other 9 countries were welcomed by President Erdogan.
Respect for Article 41 on non-interference in the internal affairs of any country by the respective embassies is something that in no way cancels the letter to Osman Kavala.
The statement seeks to give Erdogan room to avoid the big mistake of the expulsion of 10 ambassadors described by several experienced Turkish diplomats as a “suicidal move”.
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