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A presentation of electronic warfare capabilities took place on April 14 at the General Staff of the Hellenic Air Force at a time when the Greek Ministry of Defense has been exploring further armament programs for the Greek Armed Forces.
More specifically, according to the announcement of the Greek Ministry of Defense:
On Thursday, April 14, 2022, a meeting of the representatives of the company “SAAB Technologies” was held at the General Staff of the Hellenic Air Force with Ms. Amela Rudebark (Senior Marketing Director, SIGINT Systems), Mr. Jorg Breuer (Program Manager Brazil), and Mr. Christos Papantoniou (Branch Manager), with competent officers of the Hellenic Air Force (HAF).
The purpose of the meeting was to present, on behalf of the company, the solutions it offers in the field of Electronic Warfare” the announcement concludes.
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– GEOPOLITIKI – Translation may contain some errors, if you find one or more inform us via the comment section.