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The Deputy Director of the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Konstantin Vorontsov, stated on Monday, that the development of new weapons systems in Russia is necessary and aims to keep a strategic balance that could be threatened by “destabilizing steps of the United States”.
Speaking at a meeting of the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with disarmament matters, Konstantin Vorontsov said:
“The development of promising systems is obligatory in nature associated with the need to maintain a strategic balance, which can be threatened by destabilizing steps of the United States, making necessary our global missile defence system.
Which includes a combination of high-precision non-nuclear weapons capable of striking all over the globe and achieve strategic tasks and overcome actions that threaten strategic stability”
He further explained that any declarations about the large accumulation of Russian nuclear potential are unjustified and baseless, “they are based either on false assessments or outright misinformation” with Vorontsov stating that Russia strictly adheres to its obligations in the field of arms control.
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