Turkey is nervous with the Israeli attacks against Hamas

The head of the Turkish presidency’s communications department, Fahrettin Altun, once again took to Twitter to condemn the Israeli-Gaza conflict, condemning Israel’s actions.

“Israel continues to commit massacres and war crimes. Occupying Israel, by hitting the offices of the Associated Press and Al Jazeera in Gaza, also violates press freedom. “I condemn these heinous attacks by Israel, which has attacked the press to cover up its massacres.” Altun wrote on his twitter account.

In recent days, Fahrettin Altun, like the entire Turkish government, has engaged in a “marathon” of commenting on the war situation between Gaza and Israel, condemning the Israeli state on a daily basis.

He even posted in Arabic accusing Israel of crimes against humanity, terrorism and loss of values ​​as it hit the offices of Turkish media TRT Arabi and Anadolu in the Gaza Strip.

From the very first days of the conflict, Altun made his position clear, blaming the United States for characterizing Israel’s attacks as “self-defense.”

Fahrettin Altun specifically stated on Wednesday:

“To slaughter citizens. Forcing the Palestinians to leave their homes and occupy their lands. Attack mosques. To kill innocent children. Since when are all these atrocities considered self-defense? Doesn’t the US react to these massacres and terrorist acts? “

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