War Drums between Israel and Gaza: Hamas prepare for conflict

Gaza seems to be preparing for new wars with Israel, as Hamas is digging tunnels following the recent tensions in Jerusalem.

War Drums between Israel and Gaza: Hamas prepare for conflict - GEOPOLITIKI.COM
Photo by Hoheit, CC BY-SA 2.0 de

According to international media, about a year after the short conflict between Israel and the Gaza Strip, during which Palestinians fired thousands of rockets at Israeli cities, the IDF at that time had responded by launching heavy bombardments on Gaza but now Hamas and Israel are preparing again for a new round of tensions.

The Israeli authorities state that they do not expect an escalation of tensions that could lead to fighting in the near future, but that the Israeli armed forces are always ready.

War Drums between Israel and Gaza: Hamas prepare for conflict

Israel says Hamas has not regained its strength since last year’s war and that Palestinians working in Israel are pushing for the organization to avoid another war.

However, Gaza media reports state that Hamas will increase the level of readiness in the coming days and that it is waiting “with its finger on the trigger”.

Read also: Turkey threatens again Greece and Cyprus: “We own the Eastern Mediterranean and natural gas” – GEOPOLITIKI

– GEOPOLITIKI – Translation may contain some errors, if you find one or more inform us via the comment section.

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